What We Do

Students begin their journey with Horizons in kindergarten and return year after year through high school. They attend a no-cost, six-week summer academic enrichment program and special events throughout the regular school-year. The core goals and objectives of HNYC program sites are to:

  • Reduce and prevent summer learning loss in student academic performance
  • Improve student school performance from kindergarten through 8th grade, and beyond
  • Assist families through the transition from 8th grade to high school, especially through NYC's unique application process
  • Increase student swim skills, mitigating the youth drowning rate in minority and economically marginalized communities while building trust and encouraging a growth-mindset
  • Improve social-emotional learning, build a supportive community, and ultimately improve life outcomes for students and their families

A typical summer program day begins with students learning together in 15:1 classes led by professional faculty, who follow project-based learning models, from 8am-3pm. Students spend the morning focusing on literacy and math-based academics. The afternoons are reserved for enrichment activities, where students rotate between art, dance, drumming, science, chorus, and athletics. Weekly, students participate in a culturally-relevant field trip to a local destination.